Friday, July 16, 2010

James T Lawsons favorite movies of the year 1990's.

James T Lawsons  opening statements on the best movies of the 1990's. Damn...James T and Caz agree on 4 of the 10.

1990: Goodfellas.    James T:  "Goodfellas, from the moment you hear, "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster", this movie becomes a CLASSIC. If The Godfather (I,II) were the standard of MOB excellence, then Goodfellas raised the stakes. This should have been an Academy Award sweep, but Dances With Wolves was the victor. Talk about an overrated, piece of dull trash that film was. I guarantee you more people remember Goodfellas than they do Dances With Wolves. The Academy did recognize Joe Pesci for best supporting actor. I choose this over Misery which is also a CLASSIC. Note worthy mentions go to Die Hard 2, Jacob's Ladder, Presumed Innocent, King of New York, Total Recall and Flatliners and so many more. Fun Year!"

1991: The Silence of the Lambs.    James T:  "Silence of the Lambs is FLAWLESS! This is one of my favorite movies of ALL time. With that said, I'm going to give a little time to the noteworthies of '91. Terminator 2 is a distant 2nd place here and that's saying a lot because it too is pretty close to perfect. Also that year we had Cape Fear, Ricochet, New Jack City, Boyz N the Hood, Star Trek 6, Sleeping with the Enemy (the only good Julia Roberts film next to Flatliners) and The Doors which is also a classic. Honorable mention to a little Indie flick called Night on Earth...look it up!"

1992: Malcolm X.    James T: "Malcolm X is another FLAWLESS film that I think the Academy snubbed because of it's subject matter and it's director Spike Lee. Ranks on my ALL time list. Denzel embodied Malcolm X and should have won an Oscar for the portrayal. I choose this over Patriot Games, Bram Stoker's Dracula (Gary Oldman is AMAZING), Glengrary Glen Ross which is actually my 2nd choice, Basic Instinct, Bad Lieutenant, and A Few Good Men. Honorable mention goes to Candyman and Boomerang. A good year for film."

1993: The Fugitive.    James T : "The Fugitive is also one of those FLAWLESS films. It also ranks on my all time list. I'll take some time to mention some other heavy hitters of '93. The film Philadelphia was the first time we saw AIDS on film and portrayed in a scary but respectable and understanding light. Tom Hanks and Denzel are amazing in this CLASSIC and its easily my 2nd choice. 1993 also gave us Tombstone, True Romance, In the Line of Fire, What's Love Got To Do With It, Romeo is Bleeding and A Bronx Tale. I couldn't conclude without mentioning Michael Douglas in Falling Down. This is an underrated film and some of his best work."

                                         1994: Natural Born Killers.    James T: "Natural Born Killers is also, to me, a FLAWLESS film. It also lands on my ALL time list. This was not an easy choice though because '94 had four other films that rank my all time list. Pulp Fiction, Clear and Present Danger, Leon (The Professional) and without a doubt another FLAWLESS film The Shawshank Redemption. Shawshank is a very close 2nd choice. 1994 also gave us Forrest Gump, True Lies, Star Trek 7 and Serial Mom. Honorable mention goes to No Escape with Ray Liotta."

1995: Friday.   James T: "Friday is my odd choice and not necessarily the BEST movie, but one that I can identify with personally. I remember sitting watching this movie with friends and we all said that's our childhood. It was like walking through my neighborhood. I knew a Craig, a Smokey, a Deebo, a Big Worm, I might have even been one of them. Friday is a classic!! However...1995 produced some underrated hits that must be mentioned. Dolores Claibourne, Outbreak, Copycat, Clockers and Strange Days were overlooked by many. I must mention my 2nd choice which is REALLY the best movie. Casino is a CLASSIC from start to finish and would have been #1 if Friday was the sentimental choice."

1996: Sling Blade.    James T: "Sling Blade is such a good character driven film. Billy Bob Thornton creates a character that you can't help but  love. I instantly became connected with him and his story. I love this film because it doesn't rely on Hollywood gimmicks. Noteworthy performance to the late great John Ritter. 1996 was a TERRIBLE year, but I did have some goodies that rose out of the crap. 2 Days in the Valley, Kingpin, From Dusk Til Dawn, Star Trek 8, and Twister ( I like tornado's and this film). Honorable mention goes to Waiting For Guffman, such a fun and realistic view of Community Theater."
1997: The Game.   James T: "The Game is so underrated it's sad. This film has great re-watch value even once you've seen it and know the game. Michael Douglas turns in another great performance as well as Sean Penn. This was a close call, edging out The Devil's Advocate by a slim margin. 1997 continued where 1996 left off by not offering much quality. It did give us Air Force One, Event Horizon, Hoodlum, and Jackie Brown. Honorable mentions to Starship Troopers and Vegas Vacation (just can't knock a good Chevy Chase adventure)."

1998. Saving Private Ryan.   James T: "Saving Private Ryan is also a FLAWLESS film and ranks on my ALL time list. The most intense 25 minutes of film I have ever sat through. The Academy Awarded Shakespeare In Love the Best Picture. It still sickens me to the F**king core. 1998 did give us a better outing than the previous two, but all were underrated to a degree. American History X, Very Bad Things, Hurly Burly, Happiness were all good films. The heavier hitters like The Negotiator, Six Days and Seven Nights and Deep Impact were all fun. Honorable mention to A Thin Red Line, a decent war picture that got swallowed by Saving Private Ryan. Check it out!"

1999: Eyes Wide Shut.    James T: "Eyes Wide Shut is the final film from a directing God! This film unfortunately is a film you must watch a few times to fully get the ride your on. I saw this at the movie theater and was like what? I didn't know if I liked it or not. Clearly as time went on I recognized the genius of Stanley Kubrick. This is a visually stunning and disturbing film that does at times give you psychological chills. Kidman blows Cruise off the screen. I fought with this choice over the Matrix, which despite the HORRIBLE sequels, still stands on it's own. 1999 also gave us Being John Malkovich, Dogma, Fight Club, 13th Warrior, Any Given Sunday and American Beauty (overrated) Honorable mention to Bringing Out The Dead."


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