7. Jeepers Creepers 3: Cathedral. 2011? "JP3" Beats out Priest at number 7 based on the quality of the previous two movies. Quality horror is at a premium nowadays. Even though both sequels had problems, compared to other horror films, Jeepers 1 and 2 are solid. The Creeper is actually the most original horror character since..maybe Hannibal Lecter.
6. Battle: Los Angeles. March 11, 2011. Marines vs aliens in Los Angeles. I'm assuming these are aliens from another planet. Not much is known, but it stars Aaron Eckhart. Reads like Independence Day in the streets of LA as opposed to the sky.
5. Captain America: The First Avenger. July 22, 2011. The main reason I am excited about this is Red Skull, if he isnt good, this movie wont be either.
4. Thor. May 6, 2011. Such a wacky character. Very interesting to see how they will mesh Thor with Ironman in The Avengers movie.
3. Cowboys and Aliens. July 29, 2011. All you need to know is, cowboys and indians must settle their differences in time to band together to fight an impending alien invasion. You also need to know it stars Daniel "Bond" Craig and HARRISON "Solo-Indiana" FORD, and its directed by Jon "Ironman" Favreau. It reads like a disaster until you see the talent involved. Could be Fords best film since...well way back in 2000's What Lies Beneath, which isnt even that good.
2. Fright Night. October 7th, 2011. Caz was gonna do a show featuring the top 7 movies that need to be remade, Fright Night would have been number one. The studios beat me to the donkey punch.
One of the most overlooked and best horror movies of all time, Fright Night is about to get a medium budgeted re-doing. You'll notice I didnt say underappreciated, because those who have seen it, realize its legitimacy.
Some geeks-in-the-know will argue the movie was already remade sans vampires in 2007's Disturbia, which clearly borrowed from Fright Night. This is a straight on remake though and I'm pumped. 1985's Fright Night is a classic, if this remake is half as good, then the battle was won.
X-Men was solid, X-Men 2 is in the top 5 superhero movies of all time. X-Men 3 was directed by Brett Ratner.......
The talent in First Class lies within its director, Matthew "Kick-Ass/Layer Cake" Vaughn. This movie will deal with the youngling Generation X-Men going thru puberty, listening to rock music, drinking some beer and then hopefully Avalanche or Mr. Sinister show up.
Here's the thing CAZ... #7- Jeepers Creepers, although I agree The Creeper is a well conceived monster, the first film struck gold. The follow up only has in my opinion one memorable scene (school bus dream sequence) the rest is a DVD rental. I'll be interested to see it but I'm not anticipating a winner here.
ReplyDelete#6-Battle: Los Angeles, as always on paper has a decent plot and a credible lead in Eckhart. Two ways this could go... It could be a Independents Day style film in which case I will hate it for it's inevitable commercialism and fantastic budget. Or this could be a Saving Private Ryan meets District 9 with a serious plot and intensity. The script would also have to be void of stupid one liners and just bad dialogue period. In some way it also needs a social and or political tone to it to keep it interesting. I only mentioned District 9 because of it's visual look not because I feel it's a good movie.
#5- Captain America... I can't tell you how much I could careless about this project. The poster gives me feelings of "911" in which case I'm not feeling what it maybe insinuating. Not to mention, he was never a cool character.
#4- Thor... I have no comment except how many more super hero films must we endure.
#3- Cowboys and Aliens, has Harrison Ford in it... I don't need an explanation to see this. However, I do agree that Ford needs a hit film. "What Lies Beneath" was a very good film CAZ and he's done some decent work since. Except for the terrible "Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls"
I'll buy this ticket. He is playing a bad guy which is awesome! Nice poster too!!
#2- Fright Night, was a cool 80's flick and I agree it could use a do-over however, I don't hold the optimism you have in Hollywood to do this justice. Some films get lucky and this one has a better than slim chance for success. The release date should help as long as SAW 8 is not that week.
#1- Xmen: First Class, says Saturday morning all over it. With the failure of X-3 and Wolverine I think it's safe to say it's Brian Singer or failure. I won't see this film.
In closing I will say that 4 out of the 7 have a chance. I can't endorse Captain America, Thor or X-men. And yes I'm burnt out on Super hero movies!
See its here, it worked. After we watch P2 I will post your thoughts.